Sunday, January 24, 2010

Target Audience/Certificate

We think the main age group of our film is going to be young adults and teenagers mainly ages 12-25 however we cannot say for certain that people older than 25 won't watch it so although the main target audience is 12-25 the market is anything from 12+. We think the general background of the people who watch our film would be middle class people and probably students who are receiving some form of education (School, College, Univeristy). We feel that our film is not targeted to either gender in particular and have tried to inlclude things both genders would like. The general likes of our audience should be films mainly horrors/thrillers and might be into TV dramas like Skins, Waterloo road general dramas that have some relevance of a school theme/stalker theme. We don't think that our audience needs to dislike anything in order to like our film being as it is mainly about what they will like. The music within the film will be classic of a thriller and used to generate tension and try and raise the audience's heartbeat so they should be into mainly instrumental music that creates high tension. We have not decicded that our audience should have anyone that they particulaly idollyse  but in our film we might present teachers in a bad light so if they are a big fan of teacher this film might not be for them. We think the general media habbits have got be watching/reading things that fit the horror/thriller category whether it is at the cinema or at home aslong as they have some kind of intrest and watch them in the leisure time.

Age: 12-25 (12+)
Background: Middle class
Occupation: Student
Gender: Both
Likes: Horror + Thriller Films, School Dramas/Dramas with killers/stalkers
Dislikes: None
Musical Prefrences: High tension music (mainly instrumental)
Heros/Rolemodels: None (Able to see teacher presented in bad light)
Media Habbits: Watching Horror/Thriller Films, TV Dramas. Reading scary books that would fit the horror/thriller genre.

In order to decide on the certificate we went onto the BBFC website ( and look at there certificate guidelines. After reading through we decided our film would fit the 12/12A certificate as it might not be appropriate for children under the age of 12 to watch the film unless of course they have their parents permission and they feel that there child is old enough to watch the film.

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