Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our Film (Further Detail)

The Plot/Action
Our film is based around a young male who is taking pictures of a young girl who lives in the area near him. She is un-aware that he is doing so and continues to carry on her life as normal. As time goes on he begins to become more obsessed with the girl and start filming her and risks getting caught. We see clips of him cutting out photos and sticking them onto his wall as if to create a shrine of the girl and begin to become a little creeped out by the character. Later on we see him filling in a job application form possibly linked with the girl he has been stalking. Then we see a clip of him filming the girl and we have a flash back or forward in time and see him staring at her window and suddenly the blinds close.

The Genre/Theme(s)
Our film raises the issues to do with stalking/stalkers, obession and strangers, the reason for this is because of main character is a teacher in his everyday life and could be seen as 'normal' but then when we see him on his own he is a completely different character he is now strange, mysterious and a little creepy. We chose to portray our character like this to show how even the nicest most normal looking people could easily turn out to be the most nasty and strange. Based on these issues and themes we decided that our film ebst fitted a psychological thriller/drama.

The Narrative
Our film will have none or very little dialogue so we have decided to add in some non-digetic music to break the silence and add tension and create the right theme for the film. The change of music/tone will show a change in story line for example the music will get louder and faster when the situations becomes more intresting and prehaps more dangerous or scary for teh charcetrs within the film. The reason for not using any/much dialoge in the opening of the film is so that it doesn’t look unprofessional (and in order to create a proffesionaly looking movie you need proffesional actors and they tend to be hard to get a hold of).

The Character(s)
The Stalker/teacher is an attractive, tall, young man who has quite a few admirerers within his everyday job making his stalker side/personailty seem very strange and out of place. He will act completely normal when in teh position of the school teacher and will seem like and everyday person and then when he is on his own and is 'the stalker' he will be creepy and strange acting.

The Girl/Student who is being stalked by the teacher is a pretty, blonde haired blue eye girl (classic horror/thriller stereotype) who might also find the teacher attractive however in the film seem to have no knowledge that he exists. Being as the film will not really show her in the main spotlight we have not got many outstanding characteristics for her and she will simply come across andan average female, teenaged student.

The Location
Our film is located in a old house in a very quite village the house has a cellar were we will be filming the red room shots and two bedrooms one for the girl and one for the stalker. We will also be filming some shots in a school so we can show that the teacher and the student go to the same school.

The house in our film is set is very dark and old fashioned perfect for the stalker we will also be using older funiture in the set and a room will very dull coloured walls so that the audience will be forced to focus on the stalkers shrine of pictures. Also there is a very feminine looking bedroom with posters and things typically seen in a girls bedroom we will be adding in thigns like pink bed sheets e.t.c to help create the image of a teenage girls bedroom. The will be very little lighting in the teacher's/stalker's room only glimpses of natural light from what we imagine to be the moon. The clips in the school will have added lighting (if needed for fliming purposes) and the girls bedroom will be quite bright to show how the stalker focus on her and to connate that she is the light in his life.

Camera Work
In the opening scene we plan to use fast, quick paced camera shots of the teacher getting ready for work and putting up pictures of the girl. Every few shots we’ll have a camera flash and the camera noise to show the constant use of the Polaroid camera by the teacher and to keep with the theme of a stalker. Our camera angles will mostly consist of close ups and over the shoulder shots that only show parts of the teachers face, hands, clothes, feet to restrict how much the audience knows about the characters appearance and to maintain the mystery of him. We will also try to use alot of stranger shots e.g. low angle shots to try and keep with the genre of pyschological thriller.

The Editing
At the start of the film we are creating a montage almost of the teacher getting ready for work in his everyday schedule and fixed routine. We will crop down certain clips or maybe make them longer and slowed down to make sure that they fit in with the music and the film looks smooth and maintains continuity. We will be playing around with light and colour to help add certain things towards the mise en scene of the film.

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